As at January 10, 2025Show prices
As at January 10, 2025Show prices
Invest online now with Money 4 Tomorrow.
Talk to a SaskWorks licensed financial advisor to add SaskWorks Venture Fund to your investment portfolio. If you do not currently work with a licensed financial advisor, please contact the Fund at 306-502-5311 or
Already investing with an online brokerage? Click here.
SaskWorks accepts lump sum contributions of $500 or more. Tax credits may only be claimed on a maximum investment of $5,000 per year and cannot be carried forward. Contributions made during “RRSP season,” the first 60 days of the year, may be claimed against the current or previous year’s taxes.
Take advantage of the 32.5% tax credit and RRSP tax deferral using SaskWorks’ Payroll Investment Plan.* Usually you would receive all these savings when you file your taxes. But with SaskWorks Venture Fund’s Payroll Investment Plan, you receive these savings each payday.
SaskWorks’ pre-authorized debit plan allows you the flexibility to choose your contribution amount and deduction frequency which can be automatically deducted from your chequing account on a regular basis.