As at October 18, 2024Show prices

SaskWorks Diversified (Class A - Series A) - 27.5640

SaskWorks Diversified (Class A - Series B) - 29.9020

SaskWorks Diversified (Class A - Series F) - 33.1257

SaskWorks Resources (Class R - Series A) - 27.0659

SaskWorks Resources (Class R - Series B) - 35.5473

SaskWorks Resources (Class R - Series F) - 30.1377

Proxy Voting

Date: August, 2024

Name of Company Ticker CUSIP # Meeting Date Meeting Type Proposed by
Stampede Drilling Inc. SVI 852813104 16-May-24 Annual General Meeting Management
Ballot Issues Management Vote Cast
1 The election of the directors as nominated by management of the Corporation in the accompanying management information circular prepared for the purpose of the Meeting; Lyle Whitmarsh, Thane Russell, Tim Beatty, Murray Hinz, Terrance Owen, Diane Brickner, Kerri Beuk, and Drew Ross; For For
2 To fix the number of directors to be elected at the Meeting at eight (8); For For
3 To appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as the auditors of the Corporation at such remuneration as may be approved by the directors of the Corporation; For For
4 To consider and, if thought advisable, to pass an ordinary resolution approving the Corporation’s incentive stock option plan, as more particularly described in the management information circular of the Corporation dated April 19, 2024 (“Information Circular”). For For
Name of Company Ticker CUSIP # Meeting Date Meeting Type Proposed by
Arizona Lithium AZL 000017964 28-Nov-23 Annual General Meeting Management
Ballot Issues Management Vote Cast
1 To receive and consider the annual financial report of the Company for the financial year ended 30 June 2023 together with the declaration of the Directors, the Director’s report, the Remuneration Report and the auditor’s report; For For
2 To consider and, if thought advisable, to pass with our without amendment, the following non-binding resolution, “Approval is given for the adoption of the Remuneration Report as contained in the Company’s annual financial report for the financial year ended 30 June 2023.”; For For
3 To consider and, if thought advisable, to pass with our without amendment, the following resolution as an ordinary: “Mr. Zach Maurer, a Director who was appointed as an additional Director on 24 March 2023, retires, and being eligible, is elected as a Director”; For For
4 To consider and, if thought advisable, to pass with our without amendment, the following as an ordinary resolution: “Matthew Blumberg, a Director, retires by rotation, and being eligible, is re-elected as a Director”; For For
5 To consider and, if thought advisable, to pass the following as a special resolution: “Approval is given for the Company to issue up to 10% of the issued capital of the Company at the time of the issue.” For     For
6 To consider and, if thought advisable, to pass the following as a ordinary resolution: “Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd., having been nominated by a shareholder and having given its consent in writing to act as auditor, be appointed as auditor of the Company to hold office until it resigns or is removed.” For For

Proxy Information

Form of Proxy 2023

Management Proxy Circular 2023

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023

SaskWorks Annual Report 2023

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